Pranks & Prayers

Wow what a week! So much happened! We got transfer news last night and I will be staying in Rowlett for a 4th transfer! I’m super excited! My comp Elder Reed is leaving though and he’s going to Greenville so he’s still in the zone. I’m getting another greenie fresh off the plane. It’s gonna be a fun transfer.

Monday night was cool because we had a referral out in Rockwall so we drove out there just for her not to answer. So I was pretty bummed with driving all the way out there and not having anything else out there to do. I looked at the map and found a few inactive families to stop by. We stopped by Hermano Medina who was still doing come follow me and everything but just hadn’t gone back to church since covid. He was really cool and definitely needed our visit. He had been visited by the Elders Quorum presidency, another set of Elders, and a councilor in the Stake Presidency all within 3 weeks of us stopping by. It was cool because the Lord definitely needed us there. When we said the closing prayer he was crying and thanked us a lot for coming. It was a very sweet moment and I knew the Lord had led us to visit him.

Tuesday I went on exchanges with Elder Larsen in his area. We stopped by what we thought was an inactive but turned out to be a new family that had moved in a couple days ago. We offered to share a message and stuff and he was blown away because just 15 minutes prior he had been talking with his son about how they needed to find a church. So that was a super cool miracle.

Wednesday I got to play with some cute kittens at the Rojas’ and it was so fun! The lesson felt really off though and Elder Reed and I both felt uncomfortable. We don’t know why but the spirit wasn’t completely there. We bore our testimonies and stuff and the spirit was there but besides that we were getting some weird vibes… not sure why though.

Friday night we pulled such a good prank on Elder Jackson. When he went to bed we changed all the clocks in the house, stove, microwave, his phone, watch, etc. to 3 hours fast. So at 3:00 AM it said it was 6:00. So we all got up and went to the gym and did a full hour work out at 3 in the morning lol. We got home, waited for him to hop in the shower, turned all the clocks back to the normal time, and went back to bed. So he got out of the shower and all the lights are off and his clock says 4:00 in the morning. I thought it was hilarious. He got us back pretty good though… When we woke up, we heard the Tabernacle Choir music from downstairs. We walked down there to see everything spotless. Everything had been cleaned and organized.  He had stayed up the whole time just cleaning. He organized all of our desks and even folded our laundry. We go downstairs and see all of this plus he was making crepes for everyone. But he didn’t say one word. It was absolutely terrifying. So i dipped and hopped in the shower. I got out and walked downstairs and he still hadn’t said anything. I felt so bad. But then he laughed and said it was a good prank. Definitely worth losing sleep for.

Saturday night we went out with Hermana Ramirez and street contacted this really cool family. This guy named Isaac was outside with some of his kids and then his cousin Guadelupe. We started talking and asked if we could give him a picture of Jesus. He started asking us questions about our missions and why we chose to do it at such a young age. It was a really cool discussion and we were able to bear our testimonies of our decision to serve and how the message of the restoration is so important. It was super super cool and the spirit was so strong. Plus they had puppies that were a few weeks old and were ADORABLE. But that was super cool and he gave us his number and we’re gonna go back next week! His cousins Guadelupe joked about learning English while we were talking about us learning Spanish. We told him about our English classes and we was super excited. It was just such a cool lesson and I loved being able to share my testimony to somebody who genuinely cared and wanted to listen.

Sorry I don’t have a ton to write today so I don’t really have a good spiritual message. In the talk from 2003  by Elder Ballard “The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work” he says,

 “Talk to everyone, and trust in the promised power of the Spirit to give you the words you should say. Let them make the decision to accept or reject your invitation. Over time, the Lord will put into your path those who are seeking the truth. He is the Good Shepherd. He knows His sheep, and they will know His voice, spoken through you, and they will follow Him.”

It’s such a great talk and I invite you to listen to it and ponder how the Lord can lead you to those who are ready to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I also love how he says, 

“Your personal worthiness will give you the courage and the spiritual power to inspire your members to actively help the missionaries.”

I just like that because even if there aren’t big sins we are commiting, we can always be better everyday and more worthy everyday. As we are striving to be worthy of the Lord’s work, he will trust you more with his children. The Lord loves everyone the same. His love is unchanging no matter what decisions you make. But his trust isn’t the same. Do the spiritual work to see miracles in your life. If you act in faith and love, Heavenly Father will bless you for your efforts and you will be able to seeh is hand in your life more abundantly.

I love you all and love to hear from you! Let me know if there is anybody I can pray for in specific. I pray that we can all become more converted to our Savior Jesus Christ and become worthy of his blessings that he has in store. Muchos besos! and remember, God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

All my love,

Elder Grubbs

P.S. Enjoy my temple pics from last week I forgot to send as well as other random pictures from this week :)) <3

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