
This week felt so crazy!! So many things happened my mind is so scattered. But it was a good week. Tuesday night we had our first lesson with Yaskareli. The sisters in Lewisville referred her over. I was expecting to see an older woman with kids all grown up and moved out. Typically we teach people about that age, but when we got there she was a lot younger. She’s actually 20 which is definitely not normal for us to teach someone at that age. It’s weird teaching someone that’s pretty close to our age. But it’s super cool that she just moved here from Nicaragua a couple months ago and is open and wants to learn at the gospel.

We had our first lesson and she was pretty quiet but the spirit was definitely there. She so cool though! She has been reading the book of mormon a lot and even came to church!! We sent her a text inviting her to read Ether 12 about faith. She responded by giving a summary of the whole chapter talking about the brother of Jared and faith and how we are given weaknesses to be humble and everything! She has so much faith and desire it is so amazing to see.

Wednesday was park your car day which isn’t usually an issue if you know ahead of time and plan your day. Unfortunately we had dinner and a lesson already set up in Rockwall. This meant we either had to find a ride to dinner (4:00) which is like impossible in a Spanish ward because everybody works until late, OR we bike there all 15 miles on the shoulder of the highway. Both weren’t looking so good… Fortunately we found a member that happened to be working only in the morning and then we had another member to do some stopbys with us after dinner who just took us home. BLESSINGS!

Thursday was really good. We had interviews which was really good for me as always. President always has good insight for me even when I feel like I don’t need specific council. He always reassures me when I feel inadequate (which is like all the time)

Friday was a hectic day but was awesome! We had dinner with the Serrano’s and it was so funny. They have a 5 year old daughter Jane and she’s so cute. Her dad gave her some dinner and she threw a fit saying she didn’t like it and didn’t want it. He told her she hadn’t tried it yet so she can’t know if she doesn’t like it. Then said she didn’t have to eat it, but she wouldn’t get ice cream. She eventually gave in and decided it was worth it for the ice cream. A few minutes later she goes, “Dad you were right, I really like it! Can I have some more?” It made me chuckle a bit haha. I’m sure all of you parents have experienced similar situations.

That night we had a lesson with our friend Ivone again. The problem was she lives in a gated community and we didn’t know how we’d get in. We pulled up and a car pulled up right behind us and opened the gate! We parked and waited for our member Hermana Vasquez. Elder Anderson said we should say a prayer that they would be able to get in too. We said a quick prayer which was followed by a call from Hermana Vasquez. When she pulled up another car did too and let them in. Miracle!!! She is in her late 60’s and got remarried 3 months ago to a non-member. He joined us for the lesson which was cool. We went inside and had a really great lesson. We read the introduction of the Book of Mormon with her and Hermana Vasquez bore her testimony and shared her conversion story. 

It’s kinda funny going out with members because they always brag about us or talk about the sacrifice all of us missionaries make to be on missions. Then Ivone told us she wanted to be a missionary like us haha. So we explained that the Senior missionaries are married and go out with their spouse. Ivone’s husband left her and she talked to us a ton about finding someone else and how hard it is and everything. It was cool because Hermana Vasquez was like “Bro we literally got married like 3 months ago” (not direct quote unfortunately…) But she was super surprised and that gave her hope haha. But it was cool cause she told us she was gonna come to church last week but was just scared. So we talked to her and she felt a lot better about this week. She then continued to brag about her 19 year old son at college and his abstinence lol. It was very interesting haha

Saturday we went on exchanges. Elder Flint came with me to our area and Elder Jackson went with Elder Anderson in his area. It was super good. I love Elder Flint and talking with him. We have gone through very similar things and we had some really good heart to heart conversations.

Later that night we had a lesson with Carmina and Hermana Ramirez joined us. It was so funny just listening to them talk. We read 2 Nephi 2 together and it was cool teaching her about the fall of adam and eve. That’s like a huge thing I like teaching to catholics because they believe we are all condemned because of Adam’s transgression and stuff. It was a fun lesson. We got off track a bit but it was fun just being around Carmina & Hermana Ramirez talk in Spanish and rant lol.

Sunday Yaskareli came to church!! We were super hyped because literally everybody commits to coming and never shows up. But she came and it was fun because it was the primary program! The kids were hilarious and it was adorable. They did a few like solos and duets and the little kids were so cute! Also our Spanish ward literally goes all out for stuff like this. All the boys in primary (Including the teachers) were wearing khaki pants, cream suspenders and bow tie. Then all the girls wore white and cream dresses. I felt very out of place in my navy suit haha. Didn’t get the memo I guess.

For English classes we had 3 new people come!! So that was super super exciting for us. After classes we had a lesson with Javier who has been super quiet and hasn’t answered our calls but he is so cool. He like called us back and even though we had to move the time of the lesson like 3 times on Sunday he still wanted us to come. We squeezed in a quick lesson and read 3 Nephi 11 with him. The spirit was so strong and we could feel his desire to find out the truth. So hopefully him and his wife will come to church next week. They also have a 3 year old daughter who was screaming and trying to play with us during the lesson haha. I miss little kids so much!! I wish I could just sit and play with them all day

Spiritual Thought

This past week I read the talk “You Make a Difference” by President Monson from April 1988

He says,

“The influence of your personal testimonies is ever so far-reaching. The Lord instructed: “The testimony which ye have borne is recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over you, and your sins are forgiven you

You can make a difference. Whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies. This promise extends not only to missionaries, but also to home teachers, quorum leaders, presidents of branches, and bishops of wards. When we qualify ourselves by our worthiness, when we strive with faith nothing wavering to fulfill the duties appointed to us, when we seek the inspiration of the Almighty in the performance of our responsibilities, we can achieve the miraculous.”

We CAN achieve the miraculous. Our Heavenly Father is a God of miracles! He continues and says, “The seeds of testimony frequently do not at once take root and flower. Bread cast upon the water returns, at times, only after many days.”

Remember the example you set for everyone around you. There will always be opportunities to show that you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ. It’s important to be worthy and ready to plant the seeds of your testimony. Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will work wonders among you.

Sorry the spritual thought isn’t as personal and special as I like them to be but do be getting a headach. Hope y’all are doing amazing and por favor let me know if I can do anything for you!! Love ya’ll!!! Muchos Besos! And remember, God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!!

All my love

Elder Grubbs

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