Christmas in Paris

Another email from Elder Grubbs. This week was pretty busy and really long. We had some good lessons and a lot of service.

We started off Tuesday on kind of a bad note, at least for me. We had to send off Elder Siggard and Elder King :(( big sad. But I know they’ll learn and grow in different ways in their new areas. I don’t know when or if I’ll see Elder Siggard because he could leave for Peru in about 6 months. I’ll definitely see Elder King again cause we decided we’re gonna be comps in the future (fingers crossed) But it was just a weird morning overall. We got some nice Chick-fil-A breakfast with some other Elders that got a ride with our members to transfers and then waited for Elder Christensen to get back.

While we were waiting we cleaned the apartment for like 2 hours and it looks really good now haha. (Most missionary apartments are disgusting because nobody cleans or has time to). So it looks pretty good. We also got a Christmas tree from Elder Speyers mom so we set that up too and its been fun.

That night we had an a meeting down in Mt. Pleasant for English classes and then straight to a lesson with the Sisters in Mt. Pleasant. The guy didn’t answer so we just went to the member’s house who came with us. He is a recently baptized convert and was super cool. When we walked in he has all of his Baptism  confirmation, aaronic & Melchezidek priesthood certificates framed and hanging on a wall. E Speyer asked him how long its been since he was baptized, he paused then immediately said “467 days I think”. He showed us his calendar and he has everyday marked to show him how many days its been since he was baptized. He was literally the coolest member ever. He really made an impact on me just seeing how proud of everything he was. I think that’s something we can all work on as members of the Church. Like we are literally baptized and confirmed with God’s true authority that no other church has, so why not be proud of that?? It was just so cool seeing how happy the gospel made him feel and it reassured me of my purpose as a missionary trying to help every person I meet to feel the way brother Henry feels.

Wednesday was super busy but good. We had district Council and then helped Sister Russel put up Christmas lights on her porch. And let me tell ya… Sister Russel is very…. well… she’s Sister Russel. She’s on older widow in the ward that’s like super picky and blunt and it’s just funny being around her to say the least. But we helped her (the best we could) and then went to the Aults for dinner. Bro Ault served in Russia and told us a bunch of stories. They were pretty crazy. One of his comps was like 30 and went to prison before the mission because he robbed a bank and stabbed a guy. He even told bro. Ault that the guy had been drinking a ton of beer so when he stabbed him, the beer spilled all over his hand (sorry I know that’s gross but that was a very crucial detail)

Friday we had mission conference which was super good and the mission nurse gave a training and it was pretty funny because she was going off about how you shouldn’t call her all the time for stupid things and it was just funny. The new greenie in Clarksville is Elder Motzkus whose original assignment is Norway and I had a good friend from high school going there too. So I asked him about Luke Thompson and they were in the same district in the MTC!! Small world haha. So shout out to Elder Thompson ðŸ™Œ
Saturday we did A TON of service. From 8-9:30 we tore down a fence and there were trees, vines, rose bushes, and poison ivy all growing through it so it was super hard but we got it all cleared out. Then we went to Barbara’s to roll out some hay like usual. THEN we went to the Mathews from 10:30-2:30 to help them move out. So we helped them move couches, beds, tables, nightstands  etc. Basically all the heavy stuff they needed help with. But their family is super cool and it was fun to joke around and help them. Plus we got to feed their goats and chickens and it was so fun!!

Elder Speyer was given a set of bells for Christmas so me, him, and Elder Christiensen went through playing a bunch of Christmas songs but with only the 3 of us we had to have a bell in each hand, a foot and mouth pretty much. It was quite the sight but it was super fun. We practiced for probably a couple hours all together the past couple days and called some other missionaries in our district to show them. We told them it was our audition for the Christmas Zone conference musical number. It was super fun.

I hope you all have had a great week and I look forward to hearing from all of you!! Remember as Christmas approaches to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Find ways you can ‘light the world with love’. I love you all!! Muchos Besos!! And remember, God is good all the time, and all the time, God is Good!!

Love, Elder Grubbs

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