Blessed by demons

Wow I’m gonna be honest I can’t remembering like anything that happened this week so its gonna be a short email.

Tuesday was very interesting though… we were on exchanges and i was with Elder Curtis in our area. We did some stop bys and then we stopped by Madison. Elder Curtis is in the Legacy Trails ward which just barely split into their ward and Tyler 1st. There was a guy named Walter and his daughter Madison in his area book that they sent to the sisters in Tyler 1. Basically they met with them a little over a week ago and the guy was kinda bashy. But we went inside and they seemed pretty friendly at first but then it got weird.A

As soon as I sat down I felt the spirit leave. I felt soncomfortable and wanted to leave. They were super welcoming though and said they would give us food and water if we needed. They talked about politics and tried to get us to say a lot of things. It just was a bad situation. We said a closing prayer and as we were about to leave, Madison looked at Elder Curtis and said she got some revelation that a woman is gonna enter his life or one already has that will try to hurt him and it’ll be bad. She said to be cautious and a bunch of other crap. She asked if she could pray over him and he said yes hesitantly. She touched his shoulder and when she started praying she raised her hand to the square like we do for baptisms and I almost lost it. We RAN outa the house after. We were respectful and everything but there was some bad mojo in that home. Later when we got home I gave Elder Curtis a blessing and it was all good. I haven’t felt that strongly to leave a situation in a very long time. It was very frightening. But that’s why you always listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

On Saturday we had a pass off lesson with the Tyler 1 sisters. They found this guy Austin and he’s YSA age so we had a lesson and it was sooooo good!! He told us he had a friend that was always negative and super sad all the time. But she found the church and got baptized and he said she totally changed. He said she was so happy and “she had this glow about her”. So he wanted to give it a shot haha. It was super sick! Then he came to church and loved it!! He stayed for both hours and participated during Sunday school too! Also we have a linger longer every week. It’s so sick. Then for fast Sunday we have “break the fast” so after church on fast Sunday we have a linger longer but a whole meal!! YSA is so dope!!


Spiritual Thought:

Real quick I just wanted to share some things I’ve learned this week from my studies and from district council. The phrase “Wisemen still seek him” Is so powerful. All of us, if we are wise, actively try to seek Christ. But what is wisdom? We think of old people and people that have experienced a lot of things are wise. That’s just because they have learned how to be wise. Wisdom is the application of your testimony. A Wiseman is a doer. Our actions display who we are. Many people bear their testimonies but not everybody reflects that testimony in the way they live.  Elder Holland in his talk “Witnessed unto me” he says, “there is no more powerful missionary message we can send to this world than the example of a loving and happy Latter-day Saint life.” Our actions speak louder than words. People all around us notice our actions. Just like the talk “The light in their eyes” by James E Faust, as members of the church having the fully restored gospel of Jesus Christ, we have the light of Christ. We have his light and people can see that.

Other than these few experiences not much happened this week. I hope y’all had a happy new year!! Cause I went to bed at 10:30… love y’all so much!! Muchos Besos! And remember, God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good

All my love

Elder Grubbs

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