Faith, miracles and braile

This week was a very unusual and busy week but extremely spiritual. With the end of the month we had a ton of reports and random things to do. This week felt crazy busy and I feel like we didn’t even get to work our area very much but that’s just how it goes. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and Elder Magelby had never been. I told the server it was his birthday so they would bring out the saddle and sing to him. Unfortunately I couldn’t stop laughing and Elder Barnum eventually told him what I did. He was very clear to the waitress that it was NOT his birthday haha. So we never sang to him or anything, but it would have been so funny.

On Tuesday we went on exchanges with one of the Spanish companionships. I went with Elder Freeman, who is a beast, to their area. It was super fun to be in Spanish again and it felt so nice speaking it again. We had a lesson with this one lady named Francisca. She was a referral from the other Spanish Elders but had never been taught before. We went over and taught the restoration and had a super cool lesson. She didn’t know a ton but had mentioned that she had a Book of Mormon and had read a little bit in the past. After we finished we asked her thoughts on the Book of Mormon and everything we talked about. She told us that she has tried to read the Bible and it just never makes sense to her. But whenever she has been going through a super hard trial, she has pulled out the Book of Mormon and it has helped her everytime. It was super cool to see that even though she didn’t completely understand where the Book of Mormon came from, she knew it was a gift from God and that it always helped her. It was sooooo sick!! So I’m super happy for her and excited to hear about her thoughts after reading more and praying about the Book of Mormon.

That night we had a member dinner which was super fun. The Spanish Elders share the Spanish branch so we all ate together. The other Spanish Elders are my favorite. Elder Walch and Elder Mora are studs. The member was from Honduras but literally had no honduran accent. It was super fun to just speak spanish freely and have a good convo. I feel like I haven’t done that in forever but it’s only been like 4 weeks! Afterwards we talked with the other Elders for a bit before we headed to our lesson. Elder Mora grew up speaking Spanish so he already has it down. He told me my Spanish was pretty good and he was impressed so that made me feel good 😎 They both said my accent was super good too 💪Let’s go!!! I know my Spanish isn’t super great and I still feel pretty self-conscious about it so hearing those compliments meant a lot to me.

Wednesday we had a super cool experience. We have done a ton of stop-bys this transfer and literally nobody answers the door. So the nights are often pretty boring. But every once in awhile we’ll knock another door that’s close to our stop-bys (Most of them are in apartment complexes). There was one that had a light on and I felt like we should knock. Preface: I had been thinking a lot about my countenance lately and how that should resemble my love for the Lord and this gospel. I made sure to smile and be as genuine as I could when she opened the door. The lady’s name was Mary and she was very hesitant at first. I asked if we could just share one short verse and we’d be on our way. She reluctantly agreed to hearing one verse but didn’t seem too entertained with us at her door. I wanted to share Ether 12:27 cause that’s a fire scripture but I felt like I should share Helaman 5:12 cause that one is super good too. I read the scripture and talked about how we have to deal with so many trials and afflictions in this life, but when we establish our foundation on Jesus Christ, we can always have his help and his guidance through this maze of a life. She started to open up and she explained that in the last few years she has lost a lot of family and basically has nobody left. She lost her son in 2017 and his birthday is on Monday (today) and that with the holidays it has been extremely difficult for her. She feels so alone and she has faith but it has been a struggle lately. I breifly shared that I didn’t know exactly how it feels to lose a son but shared my experience losing my cousin Jacob to suicide, how that effected me, and what has helped me. It was a very tender moment we shared together reflecting on previous trials but also on the Lord’s hand in our lives. We asked if we could pray together and then told her we could continue to pray for her. She was crying a lot and it was just an amazing experience to see how Love Share and Invite is so vital in missionary work. When she first opened the door she didn’t want to hear anything from us. But after we played with her dogs a bit and talked to her, she got comfortable. Then we shared a scripture and she felt the spirit. It was super cool to see her change and see how we were a blessing in her life. So that was a super cool experience for me and we’re gonna make her cookies and drop them off today since it would’ve been her son’s birthday.

Thursday was crazy. We did a few studies in the morning and then drove down to Palestine for some baptismal interviews. We cranked those out and got some good ol Chick-fil-A. Then we headed out to Canton. We got there and did a little exchange just for the evening. I interviewed one of their friends that actually got baptized on Saturday and then confirmed and given the Aaronic priesthood on Sunday! He was super cool and definitely ready. He is 17 and was introduced to the church by his girlfriend. Her and her family are active members and definitely played a vital role in his conversion. They read the Book of Mormon together everyday and he writes down verses he likes in the back of his book and how they’ve helped him. He’s really cool and I’m excited for him to continue his spiritual journey on the covenant path.

We stayed the night with the Canton & Wills Point Elders and then headed for MLC in the morning up in Lucas at the mission home. Wow, I don’t even think I can express my thoughts and feelings into words. It was such a spiritual meeting and I was just blown away. Apart from the lunch break at noon, it was just a spiritual waterfall from 10:00-4:00. It was so amazing. I could go on and on about MLC and the impressions I received. I honestly could write a pretty heft essay with just the things I learned this week, but I’ll just compress it into my spiritual thought at the end.

After MLC we exchanged with the AP’s so I was with Elder Esplin (he came out with me) for the night. Dinner was sick cause the member ordered Torchys!! We went out with Brother meldrum for a few stop-bys which was sick. He has been a bishop and I believed served in the stake presidency as well. He had a lot of good insight for us. We stopped by a part member family. I’ll just call them Nancy and James. They are an older couple but have only been married about 6 years. Nancy is a member but hasn’t been to church since the pandemic. Her husband isn’t a member but would go to sacrament with her every once in awhile. We had a lesson with them and talked about spiritual experiences as well as the Book of Mormon and where it came from.

We bore testimony and it was super spiritual but James was a little prideful and didn’t care much about what we had to say. He asked about what the “correct authority” means and stuff just trying to lead us in a direction we all knew he wanted to go. He was polite and even though he’s not ready, it gave Nancy a push in the right direction. I talked to her shortly at the end while Elder Esplin and Bro meldrum were talking to James about football. I told her a few things I felt impressed on how to help him. It was really good and I feel like it gave her more of a purpose to start coming to church.

Saturday we drove back to Tyler and got to have lunch with my cousins TJ and Tiffany and their kids! It was really good to see them and hear how the Longview Stake has been doing. After that we had a lesson with Austin! It was a super sick lesson and he shared his desire to repent and change. He said he’s been praying at least morning and night and he’s felt a huge difference. He also got a different job that allows him to come to FHE!! So we’re super excited for him. We read and explained the intro to the Book of Mormon and what it means if it’s true. We invited him to pray about it and about baptism to see if that’s something the Lord wants him to do. It was an awesome lesson and I’m super pumped for him!

Saturday night we had a call as a mission to share a few testimonies and then start our fast together. One of the senior missionaries Elder Barton shared pieces from a devotional given by Elder Bednar. His words caused me to reflect on my own faith. He tells a story of a young couple just 3 weeks after getting married, the husband was diagnosed with cancer. There’s a lot more to the story but basically Elder Bednar says this, 

“Two days following the operation, I visited John and Heather in the hospital. We talked about the first time I met John in the mission field, about their marriage, about the cancer, and about the eternally important lessons we learn through the trials of mortality. As we concluded our time together, John asked if I would give him a priesthood blessing. I responded that I gladly would give such a blessing, but I first needed to ask some questions.

    I then posed questions I had not planned to ask and had never previously considered: “[John,] do you have the faith not to be healed? If it is the will of our Heavenly Father that you are transferred by death in your youth to the spirit world to continue your ministry, do you have the faith to submit to His will and not be healed?”

This really hit me. Would my faith have been strong enough to submit to the will of the Father reguardless of the outcome? Do I truly trust in the Plan of Salvation to have no fear?

Sunday was awesome! Austin came to church again and loved it. He told us he felt at home and definitely will keep coming. Our other friend Namdi came unexpectedly which was super sick. He gets hungup on the little things which is a little frustrating but I’m glad he at least came to sacrament meeting. He asked why we use water instead of wine when Jesus specifically instituted the sacrament with wine. We tried to explain things but he didn’t really say anything. He usually leaves after sacrament too so it was sad when he didn’t stay for 2nd hour. We had a really good Elders quorum lesson too. The Elders Quorum president talked about the talk “Lasting Discipleship” and went through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We read the 4th article of faith and broke it down. One scripture that we read was literally perfect for Namdi so we texted it to him. It was D&C 27:2 which says, “For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory—remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins.” We were absolutely blown away after reading that scripture. The lesson was soooo inspired it was SICK! Every fast sunday instead of the normal linger longer we have what’s called “break the fast”. So after church we basically just have a full meal. It was sooooo good. Chips and queso were divine as well as the sopapilla cheesecake 😋

We met with President Rhodus about SPR’s (Stake President Report) from each ward in the stake and talk about what the ward is doing well and how it can improve. It was super fun! After that we zoomed from the stake center back to our building to watch the YSA Devo by Elder Holland! WOW it was soooooo good!! I was absolutely mind boggled. Sister Seitz talked about Hope all of Zone conference and then focused on it at MLC too!! So it was crazy hearing Sister Holland’s whole talk about hope too.

A few weeks ago I purchased a Book of Mormon in braile thinking it would be a small binder about the size of a normal book of mormon. Boy was I wrong… I got 8 big binders full that equal 1 Book of Mormon haha. But I’m having our zone pray that we will find someone that will need a book of Mormon in braile! It would mean a lot to me if y’all could pray that we’ll be able to find someone!


Spiritual Thought:

At MLC Elder Donohue shared a really powerful thought. We talked about Moroni 7:29 which says, “And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men.” He talked about how we can be those ministering angels here on earth to prepare for the 2nd coming. Yes there are angel up above helping and supporting us, but we can be angels in lives of others as well. This quote was also shared that resinated with me a lot. “The world is wicked enough for Christ to come, but the saints aren’t righteous enough for the Savior to come.” Dang. Like we really gotta step it up haha. Like people say wow the world is all going to crap and it’s getting more evil. Yes, but also we needa do something about it. We need to be countering the darkness of the world with the Light of Christ that we have. We also talked about expecting miracles like always. Sister Seitz mentioned that it’s only doubt and lack of faith that prevents miracles. We need to practice expecting miracles. Sometimes OUR miracles don’t come to pass; but HIS miracles ALWAYS come to pass. Expect miracles, and accept them in the Lord’s way. In the YSA Devotional by Elder Holland yesterday he said, “Untested faith isn’t much faith at all. And real faith, life changing faith, is always in crisis.” Keep your head up, and be of good cheer! Those were a few thoughts I had and thinks I learned this past week. Sorry it’s all scrambled together but it was very powerful for me.

I love you all dearly and pray you will have missionary experiences and opportunities to share the gospel. As you align your will with the Lord’s, you will feel his unfailing love and have increased faith and hope. I love you all so so much. Muchos besos. And remember, God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good ✊❤

All my love, 

Elder Grubbs

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